
A Dancer's Journey Through Comparison

Lea Codispot 0 Comments

As a member of Gen Z, Ayana Active Marketing Intern Lea Codispot grew up alongside the explosion of social media. Every one of her peers was on Snapchat and Instagram before middle school, cyberbullying was rampant across the...

Overcoming the Comparison Trap

Lea Codispot 1 comment

Comparison, often deemed the thief of joy, leads individuals into longing over perceived inadequacies. Fixating on others' accomplishments or possessions can breed self-sabotage, overshadowing personal achievements. In truth, there will always be someone seemingly "better" in various aspects...

The Power of Mentorship

Lea Codispot 1 comment

As Ayana Ife embarked on her post-Project Runway journey in 2017, she found herself craving more than just fashion design skills. She sought the wisdom and guidance of someone who had navigated the intricacies of running a business...

Ayana Actives take on the Joy of Being Your Own Hero

Lea Codispot 0 Comments

Ayana Ife recently had the remarkable opportunity to address students at Bucknell University, courtesy of The Griot Institute. The institute, dedicated to studying Black lives and the African American condition, chose Ayana Active to speak on the overarching...

The Art of Crafting a Vision Board

Lea Codispot 1 comment

Vision boards, rooted in ancient practices dating back to Egyptian times, stand as timeless reminders to nurture a healthy mindset and sustain motivation in daily life. These visual manifestations of aspirations serve as powerful tools for goal prioritization...

Empowering Modesty: Ayana Active's Innovation in Weightlifting Attire

Lea Codispot 2 Comments

As part of Ayana Active's ongoing innovation series, the creation of the first-ever modest weightlifting outfit marks a significant milestone in the intersection of fashion, functionality, and inclusivity. The journey began when Ayana received a call from Mubarakah...